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The Best Video Search Engine
“What was that movie where that thing happened?”

The Best Video Search Engine: Find Exactly What You Need

If you’ve ever needed to find a specific video clip for research, inspiration, or another project, you may have struggled with limited options for video search. Traditional search engines like Google can be helpful for finding videos hosted on YouTube and other platforms, but what if you need to search within videos themselves?

Luckily, there are now dedicated video search engines that index video content and allow you to search directly through the visuals and audio. Here’s an overview of some top options and why ICONO stands out as the most powerful video discovery tool.

The Top Video Search Engines

Google: While Google can search YouTube videos, it doesn’t actually index video content itself. You’re searching titles, descriptions and transcripts rather than the visuals and sounds.

Bing Videos: Microsoft’s video search is similar to Google in prioritizing metadata over indexed video. Results are often just YouTube links.

Shoteck: Shotdeck indexes over 700,000 video clips but only provides still frames rather than playable video content. As a screenshot search engine, faces the same limitations as shotdeck in not serving full-length video.

Why ICONO is Best

As the world’s largest and most advanced video search engine, ICONO stands out in three major ways:

  1. Huge Database - With over 10 million video clips indexed and thousands more everyday, ICONO gives you exponentially more options to find exactly the scene you need.

  2. Full-Length Video - You aren’t limited to still frames - ICONO allows searching and previewing and full playable video clips.

  3. Multiple Sources - While competitors focus exclusively on screenshots, ICONO indexes content from YouTube, Vimeo, and more major platforms. We’re also integrating social media videos.

By allowing you to search visually within such a massive database, ICONO is truly the best video discovery experience available. You can find inspiration, verify facts, and more - all without leaving the powerful search tools.

Give ICONO a try today to see why it’s become the go-to video search engine for professionals and amateurs alike. Simply type what you’re looking for, and let the magic of visual AI search do the rest.

ICONO is an AI video search engine designed by and for creatives.
Use it to find any shot based on their visual content.
It's as simple as that.